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The Blockchain Socialist but on Mirror

The Blockchain Socialist but on Mirror

I blog and podcast about blockchain and the left https://theblockchainsocialist.com/
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I almost fell for a Discord bookmark scam

I’ve been pretty lucky in my time in crypto, I’m proud to say that I’ve never had any crypto stolen from any of my wallets \*knocks on wood\*. I think part of the reason is that I came to this world in a time where one of the dominating narratives was “not your keys, not your wallet” and it was imperative that you stay extra vigilant. I’ve always been pretty conservative with the messages and transactions I sign and the amount of degen activity I engage in. But this time I was very close to getting caught because of a bookmark and I thought I’d use this post to commemorate the occasion and inform others about the attack vector.
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How Daft Punk Sold Techno to the World: A Map for Crypto

How Daft Punk's second album Discovery and accompanying full feature music video offers us a new map for navigating the crypto adoption territory.
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A Review of Blockchain Socialism in 2022

Happy New Year comrades!
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A Poem for the Victims of SBF

Image produced through Midjourney
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DAOs: Anarcho-Syndicalism In a Digital World

On November 20th, 1936, José Buenaventura Durruti died from bullet wounds received while leading a counterattack in the midst of the Spanish Civil War. He was considered a working class and military hero, having been a prominent leader of the FAI (Federación Anarquista Ibérica), the more radical wing of the CNT (Confederación Nacional de Trabajadores), which was a confederation of anarcho-syndicalist labor unions in tacit alliance against the Nationalists, who were supported by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Organized by him, the Durruti Column was the largest anarchist military unit during the war and represented the struggle against fascism for an egalitarian society. Although over half a million people filled the streets of Barcelona for his funeral, showing the strength of support for the Anarchists, his death was a difficult one for the anti-fascist side of the civil war.
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The Blockchain Socialist will write on Mirror sometimes now

First off, happy new years! I know I’m a little late, but may your 2022 be filled with more class consciousness and less nihilistic scrolling on Big Tech social media platforms.